beds for everyone!! moldova part iv
today i wrote my blog and put my photos over on the sweet sleep blog. today might have been my favorite day so far. you can see all my fav photos right here… hannahelaine
buddies — moldova part iii
today i got to feel what it was like to make someone’s day. i met a little boy with paralized legs. while the rest of his class was playing catch in the gym and running around, he sat alone playing with giant sized legos. i went over and sat with him for awhile. i smiled and rubbed his back and we took turn building lego towers. i’ve never seen such a genuine, excited smile in my whole life. every time he looked at me he broke out into uncontrollable smiles and giggles, like he couldn’t believe i was still there and that i chose to sit with him instead of…
sunday morning — moldova part ii
got out and about, saw a little bit of the capital city here in moldova. it reminds me so much of a trip i took to bulgaria a year or two ago, especially the older men playing chess in the park. it’s really scenic here, way more beautiful than i expected. so much life and architecture and rolling, green hills. we also got to meet some of the kids from the orphanage. you can read about it on the sweet sleep blog. look foward to the action shots coming tomorrow! hannahelaine