• miss della turns one

    this little lady turned one and i got to be present to celebrate and photograph the fun. you may remember these gorgeous baby blues from her 3 month session i blogged about last year. she’s growing like a weed and getting prettier every minute. i was so happy to photograph her party and meet her family and friends. check out this adorable pink polkadot party :)     happy birthday della! have fun in your new pink car :) thanks for having me over for your party! hannah  

  • winter construction

    every year my camera and i spend the full month of january doing our best impressions of couch blobs following a very insane fall and holiday season. by february, i’m starting to emerge from my self-induced hibernation and work on the things i’ve let fall by the wayside (namely, website/social media updates and client file organization). now that it’s march, i’m a fully busy little bee once again, though it’s mostly behind the scenes stuff until this nasty winter leaves us alone and makes way for some decent sunshine. seriously, winter. you were NASTY this year. i’ve got some VERY VERY VERY exciting things coming up, can’t wait to tell…

  • the orr family

    oh the curly blond goodness — with fox sox to match! meet awesome little jack who had me over to his house to play and take photos last weekend. what a darling! saturday was just a wee bit too cold to brave our original plan to shoot outdoors so we took it back to the homestead and had a great and cozy time there instead. i think it worked out quite nicely and i’ll let jack’s charming smile speak for itself :) check it out! thanks to melissa and john for having me into your home and for being so flexible with the weather situation. jack is such a sweetheart…