baby fox is here!
oh my word…where to start??? baby fox made his appearance into the world a few weeks ago (you may remember his family/maternity pics from a blog post i did in may) and he couldn’t be happier about being here. even though he apparently normally never stops sleeping he insisted on being awake through our whole session together. i clearly have a gift for keeping babies awake lately! i loved shooting this little one. he and his brother are the sweetest together. i love little boy pics, so full of energy :) check out these sweet people… so many babies lately — i am having a blast! thanks to the…
baby elin is here!
welcome to the world, baby elin! what a sweet, sweet girl she is. i had the honor to meet her and her parents the other day when we got together for some newborn and family photos at their home in nashville. elin was so good the entire time! mostly wide awake and wide-eyed with curiosity. she really took right to the camera and was a perfect little model for me. check out this beautiful face! baby jewelry?!? so precious!! daddy and his little wonder woman!!! babies are such a treat! so tiny, so adorable, so much fun. thanks matthew and meaghan for inviting me into your home and…
elise turns one!
if you’ve been following my blog at all for the last year you will have no trouble recognizing these beautiful faces. on saturday we gathered to celebrate elise’s one-year-old birthday with a sprinkle-themed party! in previous posts i’ve raved on and on about how much i love these people and feel so thrilled to be there to photograph all the big life events for them so i’ll spare you my excessive gushiness this time…be content instead to feast your eyes on what had to be the most fun birthday party i’ve ever been to. so happy!!! (oh, and ps, if you’ve never had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich garnished…