• ryan + tyne – edisto island, sc

    i had an extreme privilege of being asked to shoot the wedding of my old roommate and dear friend tyne and her now-husband, ryan. i’ve known these two for many years and, at the risk of sounding cliché, they are actually absolutely made for each other. my husband and i were floored to be the only 2 non-family members at their very intimate wedding weekend in edisto island, sc so that we could photograph the wedding. it was such a sweet time and it was so hard to narrow the blog photo choices down to a reasonable amount. here are some of my favorites!  

  • featured in Her magazine

    this month i have the honor of having one of my fall wedding’s featured in this month’s issue of Her — nashville’s women’s magazine.  (link to the online article). i’ve always loved this publication. the design is lovely and the articles are typically very interesting and insightful. i’m absolutely thrilled to have some of my work featured in this great nashville magazine. the article is on the gorgeous wedding of celia + yancey with interviews with the couple, great wedding tricks and tips, and several of my photos.   check out the link above for the article or, better yet, pick up the magazine while you’re out and about and peep…

  • ellie + josh — the wedding

    january weddings are few and far between so needless to say i was excited to meet ellie and josh when they asked me to shoot theirs. it was definitely a cool and crisp january saturday but everyone’s spirits were high and there was plenty of dancing to keep us all warm :) loved ellie’s vintage-style dress in a golden-ish hue. take a look…     so, so thrilled to have met y’all and to have shared this day with you and your sweet families and friends! enjoy your photos and hopefully we’ll run into each other soon on the east side. special thanks to miss ashley matthews for shooting with…