• ashley + robert sneak peek!

    sneaky peeky!! here’s a quick teaser photo from ashley and robert’s wedding this past saturday. more to come soon…. also, a shout out to the album cafe folks for this great blog border. if you’re a photographer of any degree at all you MUST check out their templates. i use their completely customizable templates on all my coffee table books and albums. saves SOO much time…. hannahelaine

  • name that photo booth CONTEST!

    everyone has opinions right? i need yours! photo by our labor of love and their fabulous smile booth! for about a year now i’ve toyed around with the idea of offering a “photo booth” type thing to add to my wedding packages. you know, set up a backdrop of sorts, or use a cool texture available at the venue, set up a few lights, a camera on a tripod, maybe a box with some props, and just let the guests come at their leisure and take all kinds of photos of themselves (silly, individually, with a large group, etc). recently, i saw our labor of love’s “smile booth” and i decided…

  • laura + jason

    um…..it’s a dangerous thing when a bride blatantly gives you free reign over creative license with her wedding photos. it’s also one of the most fun ways to shoot. ok, THE most fun way, hands down. in fact, these were laura’s exact words:  “I am really excited about you getting super artsy and creative shooting my wedding also. I really mean it. Push the envelope. I will have relatives there taking normal photos with normal cameras, so your main purpose is to create art out of these wedding moments rather than to make sure nobody is blinking in the shot…..” holler!!!!! everything about the wedding was so beautiful and the…