i need your opinions!!!
lord knows we all have opinions going bad. in this case, yours would be particularly valuable. i’m trying to decide which 2 photos to use on my next wedding business card design and your vote will determine the outcome! i have to choose 2 photos. they have to either both be landscape (long sides on top and bottom) or both be portrait (short sides on top and bottom) in order to match up on the front and back of the card. so pick your favorite two and leave me your comments! thanks so much! [[click on the photos to make them larger]] landscape category: landscape 1 landscape 2 landscape 3…
jeremy and aubrey
forget match.com or eharmony! who needs all of that hassle when you can simply use your local starbucks to find your one true love?! jeremy and aubrey met each other working at starbucks a few years back. i met my boyfriend john at starbucks. john and i met jeremy and aubrey because we both worked with them at starbucks. and it all came truly full circle when john and i got the chance to shoot jeremy and aubrey’s wedding a few weekends back. (older brothers ceremonially handing over responsibility for protection of aubrey in the form of a metal bat) (best wedding kiss ever) …and they lived happily ever after…(at…
ben and nicole’s wedding
can i just say how much i love shooting weddings when the couple is so obviously in love? i shot ben and nicole’s wedding a few weekends ago and it was so much fun and such a breeze. when a couple is already glowing with joy for the life they’re about to start together, it just makes the photos automatically so much better. so thanks guys for being so much fun to work with, and for allowing me the privilege of sharing in your special day. you are both truly amazing people. hannahelaine