• tiffany + frank — nashville wedding photographer

    allow me for a moment to gush about my new favorite wedding/event venue in town — graystone quarry. holy cow, y’all. this place is absolutely gorgeous. such attention to detail in every spot from ceremony to reception locations. so when a couple has good enough taste to choose a venue like this for their wedding, you just *know* it’s gonna be good! tiffany + frank tied the knot at the quarry in franklin on what was an abnormally not-as-hot-as-it-should be day in july, and it could not have been more gorgeous. from that killer form-fitting dress, to the flowers, to the excellent group of family + friends, this day was…

  • leslie + heath — nashville wedding photographer

    I really don’t know where to start with describing the pure heavenly perfection of leslie + heath’s wedding at urban cowboy in east nashville. I guess I could start with the fact that this is *quite possibly* the most nervous i’ve ever been shooting a wedding in all my (15+??) years of being a professional photographer. leslie is about the closest gal pal i’ve got so it was really important to get it right. luckily for me, the whole affair was an ABSOLUTE DREAM, start to finish. a bit frigid, perhaps. but every detail combined to make it one of the most unique weddings i’ve ever been a part of.…

  • leslie + heath — nashville engagement photos

    it’s not every day you get the chance to take the engagement photos for one of your very best girlfriends! AND it’s not every day you get to include two of your very favorite pups in the shoot (even if Tina wasn’t really that into having her photo taken, it was still so fun to play). i’ll save the gushing for another day but suffice to say I CANNOT WAIT for the wedding in november. it’s gonna be the event of the century (just wait’ll you see her dress)! one more month!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️