i have a baby turtle!!!
i got to go to chicago for the first time ever this past weekend! it was an incredible trip. we packed so much of everything into 4 days i feel like i’m going to keel over at any moment.
one of the things we did was visit china town. apparently they were holding an open-air market type deal that day. upon browsing the random tent/booth things, we came across this little guy:
i named him xie-xie (shay-shay, for all yous guys who don’t speak mandarin…). it means “thank you” in chinese, which i felt was an appropriate name since we got him from chinatown.
i can’t wait to get him a bigger tank with sun rocks and plants and stuff! yay!
my boyfriend and i are celebrating one year of being together in a few days, so he decided to buy me a turtle as an early anniversary present. best present ever!
this is us after our sunset architectural boat tour (which was awesome, fyi).
at some point i hope to post more photos of the trip. i got some really great ones!