chi-town at last!!
guess who gets to go to this place on thursday???? ME!!!

i’ve never been to chicago, but going there is on my list of things to do before i die (and no, i will not call it a “bucket list” cuz i saw that movie (while bored on an airplane), and as much as i love morgan freeman, that film inspired a phrase that i now use on a regular basis to describe movies that are entertaining enough to keep you from going crazy on long flights but that you would never actually seek out and watch in your spare time–“airplane movies.” you know which ones i’m talking about. and yes, you have permission to freely use that phrase. it comes in handy more than one would think).
anyway, i thought this was a pretty cool photo of the skyline. no, i did not take it myself. but don’t worry, when i get home i will have way better ones than that, taken on my very brand spanking new CANON 40D!!!!
“movin’ on up…(movin’ on up) to the east siiide! we’ve finally got a piece of the pie!”
One Comment
to this list i would like to contribute:
– because i said so
– anything with kevin costner
– any spoof movies (with exception to mel brooks’ films… save a couple)