gulfcoast getaway, panama city beach
spent most of last week down in the good ol’ panama city beach area for a conference called gulfcoast getaway. thanks to friends of friends i was hired to do the photography for the conference. i don’t normally take gigs like this but when they’re at the beach (and especially when it has been below freezing for forever in nashville) i kinda can’t resist. even though it rained just about the whole time we were there, we did get one really awesome 70 degree beautifully sunny day. i didn’t get a tan but you really can’t beat just being at the beach.
here are some photos….
speaker randy harris of abilene university’s college of biblical studies.

amazing artist and good friend of mine (and fellow east nashvillian), miss laura amstutz did a live painting during communion on sunday morning. if i could just have the talent she keeps in her left pinky finger…..oh the places i could go….
and the extremely popular college x-games (which were meant to have been held on the beach but due to the torrential downpours had to be moved inside. however, no spirits were dampened here as shown in the next few photos).

special guest appearance by the sickly talented spoken word poet out of ATL, amena brown.
thanks laura and duane for hooking me up! it was a great conference — thanks for having me!