hannah + robert

takin it way back with this one…carah ellis, the bride’s older sister, and i have been friends since highschool but haven’t seen each other in years. oddly enough she has taken up photography as well. she calls me up recently to tell me her sister, hannah, is getting married and will be doing much of the wedding photography herself but, seeing how she’s maid of honor, wanted me to come out and photograph the ceremony and some of the formal/family photos. and can i just say…wow! so glad that i did! what a gorgeous, gorgeous wedding. the sky was threatening to pour buckets of water all day long but it somehow managed to hold off the entire day. unbelievable. i only shot for about 4 hours but managed to get some great shots–not hard when everything and everyone is so naturally beautiful! let me know what you think!

coolest cake ever! by elizabeth at puffy muffin
bakery and restaurant.

robert and the groomsmen drove up unannounced right as we were doing all the girls photos so they quickly utilized their umbrellas to hide the bride from his sight :)

hannah and robert, it was so great to play a part in your wedding by taking photos. thanks so much for having me! carah, i can’t wait to see what you got as well!


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