michael + merrill !!!!
whooooooooooaaaa!!! two amazing things happened this week. 1) i (FINALLY) bought a canon 5d mkii (major camera geek speak for best day EVER) and 2) michael and merrill tied the knot at grace chapel! bring these two epic events together and you get a very fun day for everyone involved. i’m still hyperventilating a bit about how well this camera performs in the trickiest conditions (just ask my husband. i’m sure he’s beyond sick of hearing about it and pretending to know what i’m talking about, hehe). if i may say so, i feel these may be some of my most quality shots to date as far as technical performance. and while the camera is everything i hoped for and a million times more, the wedding was in and of itself absolutely perfect down to the littlest detail. so earthy, so natural, so personalized, and the sunlight just like i like it :) not to mention this is a crowd i’m getting pretty cozy with. michael’s older brother’s wedding was my first solo wedding gig ever, followed up by that bride’s sister’s wedding the following year. so it’s kind of been a family affair — repeat bridesmaids/groomsmen/family, etc :) i guess i must be doing something right to keep on getting asked back! no complaints here. so without further ado…….pics!
this killer shot of merrill walking down the isle by ben ozburn. first time shooting with him and he gives me a shot like this? sign me up :)

fairly woodland elves. and for the record that is a about as high a compliment as it comes in my book.
These are awesome Hannah! So completely jelly over the camera too. Lucky! I miss working with you. You always get some of the neatest weddings!
Jenna Henderson
Great images! Love the one of the groom in front of the window.
David Durham
EXCELLENT job! Such a pleasure to have you back!
Cathy Heiser
The photos are absolutely gorgeous. You are so talented, Hannah…. so sorry I couldn't hug your neck! May you continue to do what you so love!
Michaela Potterbaum
hannah…. so beautiful. I love your composition… and the colors look amazing. the shots are so sharp! welcome to the 5d mark ii world!! its a wonderful place! miss you my friend…