nashville elopement — paula + bruce
paula and bruce had one of the more brilliant ideas i’ve heard in a while: take a trip to europe and elope while there. what an amazing experience and such a good story to tell. just to top that off, the story of how they met is like something straight out of a john hughes film. they met standing in line outside of jack white’s third man records for record store day and have been together ever since. isn’t that incredible?! so of course we had to take some post-elopement photos at third man to commemorate such a special location. their love for good music takes them to the ryman auditorium on a regular basis so we thought it was fitting to take a few photos there as well. and that awesome elopement announcement? the folks at 30 Silent Mockingbirds are responsible for that printed beauty. check out how sweet they are (and how awesome that vintage wedding dress is)…
congratulations paula and bruce!!! we are so excited for you guys and wish you many decades of happiness and great music together :)