orphans are my favorite: moldova part viii

i ask you, how can you resist sweet little faces like these??

[[click on photos to make them larger]]

some of the cutest darn kids i’ve ever seen in my life are living in drochia, moldova at an orphanage specifically for BED WETTERS!!! can you believe that?! and yet here they are, as precious as it gets. they are so excited to be getting their new beds (complete with plastic mattress cover) that they have been doing most of the work in transporting and assembling the bed parts.

these children cannot be stopped! even the wee little girls are out there with the best of them, carrying mattresses twice their size and head boards and side boards…unbelievable.

i’ve spent most of the week busy with photography and not doing a lot of bed building…until today. i found myself directing traffic in the infirmary and ended up helping the smaller kids assemble beds all morning.

me and this kid victor (pictured above) somehow got left alone to assemble 4 beds all by our onesies. mind you we speak 2 totally different languages. but it’s amazing to me how much you can communicate without using words that the other can understand. it was a great time.

so here is before….

and…TA DA!!! here is a glimpse of after!

so this is what i’ve been doing all week. contributing to a wonderful project like this. to see more of my photos from this trip and to learn about sweet sleep, check out the sweet sleep blog. you won’t be sad you did!!!


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