the hayes/coffman family
i had a rare treat this week. i got to photograph the family of my sister’s and my childhood best friends. i can’t even remember the last time i saw these ladies — 10 years or more?? it was so good to catch up, meet the children, see everybody. i had such a good time. now check out the hair on these two sweet little girls. absolutely to die for — both of them! what an excellent blast from the past. thanks kanetha for introducing me to your new family and for giving me the chance to see all your siblings and your sweet mama! i had so much…
baby elise — christmas session
oh, this girl! what a little sweetheart! i did elise’s newborn photos just a few short months ago and if i’ve learned anything it’s that time flies and babies grow like weeds. this little one went from being a baby to a little girl in no time! look how sweet she is all dressed up :) love this face! looks just like her daddy :) this was elise’s way of letting us know she was through for the day — all a girl wants is to suck her thumb and take a nap! LOVE LOVE LOVE these people!! i love that i get to be there for so many important steps…
the cutest little nursery you ever did see
a few weeks ago i posted some photos of a beautiful baby girl named elise and promised to follow up with some shots of the nursery that her mommy, sarah, worked so hard on. this little nursery is pinterest worthy for sure. look how cute! check out sarah’s fun blog at www.alovelylittlelife.com and find all her tips and tricks to decorating a nursery. she’s fabulous! hannah