• baby elise!

    let me tell you about a special little girl i just met named elise. i shot her mom and dad’s engagement and wedding photos 3 years ago (has it really been that long???) and now i get to photograph their first little darling girl. i ask, what is better in the world than cuddling a newborn baby? not a whole lot. sarah has been a nursery decorating machine while waiting for elise to arrive. i have so many cute photos to share just of the decor, but i am saving those for another post. for now, get a load of this beautiful face…. what newborn stays awake for your entire 2…

  • lyla – 20 months!

    if this isn’t the most precious face you’ve ever seen then i don’t know what is. this pure adorableness of this first photo could win me awards. those eyes!! lyla is growing so fast. this is our 3rd shoot together and she gets more beautiful every time i see her. i’ll let the photos speak for themselves….   even grandma came out for the shoot (and was unbelievably skilled at getting lyla to laugh and smile…i’m considering hiring her as a full time get-the-kids-to-have-fun expert).     love this sweet family! enjoy your preview — there were so many good ones to choose from, can’t wait to show you the…

  • the rodriguez family

    i’m so thankful for this very mild winter because it allowed me to have a wonderful outdoor family shoot with the rodriguez family this past week. i shot nicole’s bridal photos 4 years ago (crazy!) so it was so good to catch up again and meet her husband, javier, and little girl, clara, for the first time. check out these beautiful people — they should be j. crew models.   sweetest maternity sweater i’ve ever seen.     thankful for the sunlight and for the bearable january days. and thankful for this sweet family for giving me the opportunity to shoot! can’t wait to meet your new baby boy when…