• meet my first niece!

    i have a niece! you should meet her. she has one of those names that automatically makes you destined for greatness — arlington elizabeth blanton. i think it sounds like she will either be a famous women’s advocate author of some sort or perhaps marry into a royal family one day. or maybe a president of something. it’s a commanding name. she ought to have lots of things to be in charge of when she grows up. anyway, on to the photos… proudest grandma of all time. seriously. maybe proudest daddy of all time, too. and to here’s the woman who made it all happen — my how-in-the-world-do-you-look-so-darn-good-after-just-giving-birth sister-in-law, alison!…

  • lyla!! part 2 :)

    lylaaaa!!! you may remember this face from a blog i posted back in november — though i must say lyla has grown SO much since then! i would have hardly been able to recognize her if it weren’t for those penetrating baby blue eyes. wow. this first shot above was taken right before she realized that she HATES grass! we moved her to the pavement and she was fine! haha, kids are hilarious. we finally figured out that if we could bribe her with leaves she would tolerate sitting in the grass…..as long as we could keep them out of her mouth :) and as long as we had her…

  • lyla!!!!

    LYLAAAA!!!! what a wee sweetie! nick and nicole met me at centennial park last sunday with this little bundle of joy in tow for some fall baby photos. it was a bit chilly but lyla was a champion and braved it all the way up to the end. just wanted to post a few pics from the session — check it out! hooray!!! what a sweet little girl lyla is…with equally amazing parents, mind you :) can’t wait to watch her grow! nick and nicole, hope you enjoy the photos! more to come soon :) hannahelaine