i want to ride my bicycle!!!!
i hate exercise. it feels so arbitrary and like such a waste of time. but riding bikes?? now, that’s something i can get into. so after a few weeks of searching high and low on the internet, i find this little beauty at the goodwill for $20!! just needed some new tires…

the best part of all is that i bought it and got it working the week that nashville ran out of gas :) i rode it 7 miles the first day! not bad for someone as out of shape as me :)
of course i bought the bell separately but it’s just one of the many accessories i plan to add in over the next few months (others being maybe a basket, some lights, definitely a pannier with saddle bags just like my bike in amsterdam had).
now i just gotta come up with a name….any suggestions?
seeing those curves, ‘LaBelle’ comes to mind :)
congrats! $20…incredible
Blue steel :)
Léa V
I love it =)